Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Mystery of Ingredients

Usana is known for its potency and the guidelines it abides by for manufacturing. In my opinion if you are going to invest in something good let it be the best. Usana is not an organic supplement and the reason being is because many people are allergic to organic ingredients. Lyle McWilliams is a Canadian Scientist that did a study on Usana nutritional supplements. He is a third party that has done a study on over 1,500 supplements and compared them to each other.

If They Trust the Product... We Should To

Usana is a company that caters to a diverse population of athletes around the world. In my opinion it is the only company that puts its money where its mouth is. The reason I say that, is because it is the only company in its industry that offers the athlete guarantee and satisfaction with its product. The athletes that endorse Usana do it voluntarily. It is important that athletes find a company they put their trust in, that will back them up. And because Usana assures them that their product is quality they make the decision to consume the product. Their are many athletes that consume Usana products, pro athletes and Olympian athletes endorse Usana because of its potency and accuracy of ingredients.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Business... Your Future

Well I have been talking about the small business sector throughout my blog. As an individual that falls in the 2% category of owning a business I would like to give you some brief information on my business. I work for the sector called network marketing, which allows me to have flexibility. Usana Health Sciences is a nutritional company that has been around since 1992 and is based out of Salt Lake City in Utah. The video gives a brief summary of the company’s products and how the business works.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bureau News

I have been writing about people taking control of their lives and the statistics I found that were done by the Census Bureau surprised me. Americans are well aware of the opportunity that a small business offers to them and their families. A small business allows people to spend more time with their families and create a residual income. According to the Census Bureau at least half of businesses are operated from home. People are coming to realization that this is the industry to be in. The small business sector is not for anyone, but it can benefit just about anybody that sets their mind to it. Here are some of the people that are joining the industry:
  • In 2002, 64 percent of business owners had at least some college education at the time they started or acquired ownership in their business, 23 percent had a bachelor’s degree and 17 percent had a graduate degree. Just over 1-in-4 owners had a high school education or less.
  • Thirty-one percent of owners were more than 55 years of age, 29 percent were between 45 and 54, and 24 percent were between 35 and 44. Only 2 percent of owners were less than 25 years of age.
  • Fourteen percent of business owners in 2002 were veterans; 73 percent of those operated with no paid employees. Nearly 7 percent of veteran business owners were disabled as a result of injury incurred or aggravated during active military service.

Small Business Sector

People have seen many large firms disappear with the economic crisis. But how about small firms do we see small firms disappearing as much as large firms? In reality the small business sector is what generates most of the jobs "small businesses, particularly in the service sectors, continued to be important job generators, even as the economy began to slow. In the first quarter, they created 74 percent of net new jobs" (SBA 28: 2). This sector plays an important role in our economy and we must not ignore it. People have become skeptical to investing, but let me remind you that there is a difference between investing in yourself then investing in the future of corporations. The Small Business Association also states, looking forward from this recession, we would expect more entrepreneurship taking place; indeed, it may help lead the economic turnaround. Some self-employment will come out of economic necessity; talent and experience of workers being laid off will prod some of them to sell those talents as their own boss (28: 2). People will stop having faith in corporations and take control of their lives. People just need to be aware of which industries are having success and strive to start a small business in that industry. If you would like to read more on the following information the link is below.

Successful Industries

People are still worried about the economy. Although tax season is here and the stimulus checks are being distributed people will not use that money to spend, but rather to pay bills and save it for when times get worse. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA) the U.S lost 2.97 million jobs in 2008. According to CNN Money the U.S has lost 1.8 million jobs in the past three months. The SBA did state that industries like transportation, manufacturing, utilities, construction, professional, and businesses services were hit the hardest there was a job gain in education and health services. I think that people are seeing how bad the economy is and are making decisions to stay in school longer or return to school. As far as the health services, I think people are coming to realization that this industry will always be around regardless if the economy fails.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Jim Randel is talking about having success and the steps needed to take in order to gain success. Some we need little guidance from someone that has had success throughout their lives. Below is a link to an article that will outline the little steps one needs for success. I believe that if people really set attainable goals and a structured plan they can accomplish anything and overcome hardships. We all know that bad things happen, but we learn and grow and for every bad thing that happens there is always a positive.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A WorldWide Spread

The American people aren't the only ones facing this crisis. It is worldwide chaos people all over the world are losing their jobs. People must act now and try to find solutions because it is going to get worse before it gets better. The New York Times has an article on the world crisis that has actual stories of people losing their jobs and the protest that are happening around the world.


Should We Continue...

Should we continue doing what we have been doing over the past years. People have taken advice after advice from past generations but nothing changes. Since we were small we have been told to get a good education, obtain a relationship with a good company, so that we can have a good retirement. Well let me just say that those days are over. We are seeing today with the economic crisis we are in. Jobs are being lost, retirement is disappearing and savings accounts are being drained and people keep on doing the same things over and over. Well we have been doing the same things over and over and we see no progress then this a chance to change things.

CLICK on the website below Jim Randel is an attorney and a real estate investor. I believe that as a individual that has experienced success owning his own business makes him a a very credible individual. In the following article he talks about investing in yourself. The title of the article is What to Advise Young People?, but I believe that everyone can benefit from this. I think that he does a good job of advising the next generation on how to take charge of their lives and do things differently form what the previous generations did.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Leading Company

I came across this video on stock. CNN held an interview with a company that leads the health and wellness industry. The interview was conducted on July 23, 2006 it mentions the opportunities the company has to offer. Click on the link below to watch the interview.

The following site shows that the industry of health is not doing so bad due to the economy There are many companies as well as Usana that are leading the industry in proactive health.


What is there is to do now that the economy of the most powerful country is in bad shape? People are looking for answers and solutions to bring their lives back on the right track. It is important that in times like this people keep an open mind on what might be out there for them to overcome this crisis. Although the economy might be at its worst peak its important to know that there are certain areas of the industry that are still doing well regardless of the economic crisis. The health and wellness and the health care industry are industries that are having great success regardless of the situation. Usana Health Sciences is one example of a company that has done well. I believe that people will always need health care and that nutrition will always play a major role in people lives.

Friday, February 6, 2009

What is Next?

Welcome to my blog and thank you for checking it out. With the alarming rate of people being laid off people are desperate for solutions. They are looking to get their lives back on the right track but everything is at a scare right now. With companies locking their doors and disappearing out into the air people don’t have a clue of what or where to go next to find a job, because what if the next company they walk into does the same. It is obvious that the economy is not doing so well. So, what are people doing to get by? Where are they looking? What are they looking for? Below is information on the solutions people might be looking for.

I created this blog to inform people about different financial opportunities that are out there. The economy right now is at its worst peak ever and it is going to get worse before it gets better. The American people have built their lives around these corporations that have left them nothing. We have seen and heard of many people get laid off due to companies downsizing or bankruptcy.

My intentions are not to convince people about other opportunities but to put the knowledge out there so that people can make their own decisions. Owning a small business with a very low start up cost can be the essential idea for many people. Owning a business allows people to take control of their financial lives instead of having them controlled by corporations. People that have worked for these corporations that are closing have lost almost everything. Most people are finding it difficult to find employment, and pay their bills. People are skeptical about even looking for a job because of all the closures that are occurring people have lost their faith in the American Industry.

I have seen many people become very successful in owning their small business. They have become financially independent and have created their lives by their standards. They have taken control of their lives from spending time with their families, to independent freedom, to having an ongoing income. When I say owning a small business I don’t mean a business that requires thousands of dollars to get started but a home-owned business that will allow people to work from home. In the last 10 years the number of home-based businesses has increased 20 times to over 30 million operations.

An example of a company that has seen many people become successful entrepreneurs. Usana is a company that people have looked to this company for opportunity to create an income that could be a plan b for them to overcome hard times.